So beherrschen Windows Vista und XP sowohl RAID 0 als auch RAID 1 und 5 - letztere . Software- vs. Hardware-RAID; Anforderungen an die Festplatten; RAID Level 0 und 1
Say you have 4 drives. . When comparing whether to stripe mirrors, mirror stripes, or stripe with parity: Which is fastest? Which is most fault tol.
. an 8 drive SATA array that will either be configured RAID 5 . Storage Forums: RAID 6 vs. RAID 5 + Hot Spare - Storage Forums . Page 1 of 1. You cannot start a new topic; You cannot reply .
Dear storage experts: If two drives fail in RAID 1 all data is lost (that would be all, both of them fail). If any two drives fail in RAID 5 then all data is lost.
Nun ist das ja nicht das erste mal, dass man �ber Raid 5 vs. Raid 10 diskutiert . 3 platten mit RAID 5 f�r die exchange datenbank und die files und 2 platten mit RAID 1 .
RAID 5 costs more for write-intensive applications than RAID 1. RAID 5 is less outage . To make picture clear, I'm putting RAID 10 vs RAID 5 configuration for high-load database .
What is the difference between these two raid schemes? I want to know why I should use one over the other. It would seem that if you were backing up data, that a .
Hello, am planning to run Raid 1 or 5 and not sure what the decision points should be. Having discussed Raid with senior colleagues it appears that religion may have bearing on .
raid 1 vs raid 5
Often, data needs to be stored in more than one secondary storage device. In such cases, RAID technology is used. In all, there are seven RAID levels.
Hardware: Backup-Systeme Streamer, DAT und andere L�sungen. Die Kapazit�ten der Festplatten steigen rasant. Welche Backup-Systeme sind f�r die heutigen Datenmengen geeignet .
Hi, kann mir mal einer erkl�ren, was der raid 1 vs raid 5 Unterschied zwischen Raid 0/1 und Raid 5 ist? Mein Raidcontroller beherscht neben 0 und 1 n�mlich auch 0/1.
Can I install an operating system (OS)
and put data in different partitions of